Saturday, December 1, 2012

Saturday Shout Out: Taking Body Blows

This Saturday Shout Out goes out to my dad, Ray Blevins.

It was around this time last year (one week before finals) that my dad wrote me a super encouraging Facebook post. He reminded me that while my stress was high and the semester was knocking me around a little bit that I would make it. To slip into a boxing analogy for a moment, he told me that all the best fighters had to take repeated body blows before they could wear down their opponents and claim victory. Next week includes 2 project presentations, 3 tests, a review packet or two, a recital class performance, and who knows what all else. Next week may feel like black eyes and broken ribs, but those are just body blows. It's not a knockout. I just need to go two more rounds (weeks) in the ring with this semester and then, the KO is mine. So, thank you, Dad, for your insight and wisdom.

Now I want to know, whether you are a student, a practicing therapist, or a supervisor/educator, what body blows have you been taking lately? Who or what helps you stay in the ring until the final bell?


  1. Interesting analogy! I like it! Thanks for sharing your father's wisdom. Typically, I look to my mom for insight and wisdom. She usually gives me encouragement that I lack during stressful times. But, if I'm about to perform on stage, I can't exactly ask her for encouragement. So, I look to God and depend on Him to give me the courage to walk out there and do the best I can while on stage. I realize that I can't depend on anyone except God to give me the strength in my hands which have been weak probably due to a minor case of tendonitis. Not sure, but it all comes down to trusting in the Lord in my case.

  2. Lisa, thank you for your comment!

    I am so glad your beliefs are a help and comfort to you. Thanks for sharing!
